Car problems are nearly impossible to avoid and sometimes these car issues may require you to utilize services from a towing company. If you are on a tight budget and want to be sure that you aren't paying too much for a tow service, there are a few things to keep in mind. Before rushing to find a towing company, be sure that you take advantage of saving opportunities, such as the following:
Utilize a 24/7 Service
Using a company that offers 24/7 towing service will likely offer a flat rate, regardless of the time or day that you need to request their service. This can be much cheaper option as some companies do not offer 24/7 availability, but will add an emergency rate if you use their service after normal business hours. So, if you want to be sure that you are going to get the same affordable rate at all times, be sure to use a tow company with 24/7 service.
Obtain Services from A Multi-service Tow Company
One of the highest fees when using a towing company is having to have your vehicle hitched onto the truck and delivered to a nearby repair shop. This can be expensive because you will likely pay a service fee just to have your vehicle hitched onto the towing truck and you will likely have to pay for each mile that your car gets towed. If you want to avoid only having the option of getting your car towed, you will want to utilize services from a company that can perform many roadside issues, such as replacing a tire, providing fuel, and jump starting a dead battery. Not only will these services prevent you from only having the option to tow your vehicle, but these repairs will help get you back on the road faster.
Inquire Towing Service Through Your Car Insurance
Many car insurance providers are now including roadside assistance coverage as default for many of their policyholders. This means you are likely covered for your towing service. However, your coverage may only be applied if you utilize a towing company that your insurance provider is working with. This is why requesting towing services through your insurance company is important as this can likely eliminate or reduce the cost of your towing service.
Reaping the benefits of these tips won't only help you save, but it is a great way to obtain quality service that you can count on at any time and for any car issue you are facing. So, if you want to avoid the high cost of towing services and need a reliable company for help, be sure to take these tips into account when selecting a towing company like Frank's Towing for your service.