Four Common Reasons to Call a 24-Hour Roadside Assistance Service

Many drivers get into situations where they do not clearly understand which service to call when their vehicle stops working in the middle of the road. Most people associate tow trucks with accidents and will only contact them when their vehicle is in a car wreck. However, if a service provider also offers 24-hour roadside assistance, you can get a lot more help from them. Here are four other situations where you will need roadside assistance services. 

When Locked Out of the Vehicle

It is not unusual to forget your car keys inside the vehicle when leaving the car. However, locking the doors with the keys inside leads to a massive inconvenience. When it happens, many vehicle owners think about calling a locksmith to help them regain access to the vehicle. However, you do not have to bother local authorities with your lockout. Instead, you can call the 24-hour roadside assistance services and get them to help you regain access to the vehicle or tow it to safety. They are likely to have a professional to send to you immediately after you contact them. 

After a Car Accident

You might also need the services of a competent roadside assistance service after getting involved in a significant fender-bender. In most cases, people call the emergency services and the police after an accident and expect them to care for everything. The paramedics take care of the sick by taking them to the emergency room. The traffic police assess the factors that led to the accident and report it. However, it will still be your responsibility to call the roadside assistance service to take your vehicle to the auto garage. 

When You Run Out of Gas

Running out of gas seems like the kind of problem few people would experience. However, you can run out of gas in the middle of the highway. If you aren't sure how far the next gas station is, you should let the roadside services deliver the fuel.

If You Need a Jump Start

Your car could also stall because of battery failure. You need someone with a functional battery to jumpstart yours when it does. The 24-hour service providers will help you bring your engine back to life so you can drive to your destination. 

Contact a trusted roadside assistance service provider like Plano Tow Services to help you with your car emergency. With their help, you can minimize the length of time you stay stranded and get your car towed to safety. 

About Me

alternate ways to call for a tow truck

I live in a very rural area that gets spotty cell reception at best. I ran into several problems with different cars over the years and couldn't get a signal to call for help. For the last few years, I have had to use a CB to call for help. Do you know how to get a hold of a towing service using methods other than your cell phone? If you can reach the service with your cell phone, do you know how to get the tow truck driver to your exact location quickly so that you don't lose the connection? This blog is all about calling for a tow during impossible conditions.


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